12 ways to get your diet back on track

7. Plan your meals

Planning your meals for the week ahead might seem like a bit of a hassle, but it will set your intention as well as making it easier to make healthy choices even when you are busy. It could save money too, by reducing the chances that you’ll buy takeaways or other convenience foods because you don’t have any food in the house.

Write a shopping list based on what meals and snacks you are going to eat and only buy what is on it. Make sure that you have included enough fruit and veg to give you at least five portions a day.

8. Put more vegetables on your plate

A simple way to lower the calories on your plate is to increase the amount of veg and salad you have on it. Put this on your plate first and there will be less room for other parts of the meal that will be higher in calories. You will still get a variety of foods and food groups, but less calories overall. Using a smaller plate is another simple change that helps reduce the amount you eat.