1.What Is Binge Eating Disorder?
Episodes of extreme overeating are the hallmark of this illness, which is the most common eating disorder. People who struggle with it are usually overweight or obese — male or female. In contrast with bulimia, this illness does not lead people to purge (vomit), fast, or over-exercise. It can develop at any age but is often diagnosed in middle age. It can lead to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.



2.Binge Eating Symptoms
Many of us overeat from time to time; binge eating is different. People describe feeling out of control when they overeat. They may eat more quickly than usual during a binge. They may eat until they are painfully full, or binge when they aren’t hungry. Many people with binge eating disorder say that stress, anxiety, depression, or boredom can trigger a binge.


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