1.Those Colorful Marks
We all get a bruise from time to time — maybe you walked into the doorjamb in the middle of the night or tripped over the dog on your morning walk. Most aren’t anything to worry about and heal on their own. Others can be a sign of something more serious. It’s good to know the difference between them.
2.Types of Bruises
A flat, purple bruise that happens when blood leaks into the top layers of your skin is called an ecchymosis. A black eye, or “shiner,” is an example of this kind of bruise. A hematoma happens when clotted blood forms a lump under your skin. The area is usually swollen, raised, or painful. A “goose egg” on your head is one example. A hematoma is not the same thing as a hemorrhage — that’s heavy bleeding inside or outside your body.