1.CAB for CPR
Give 100-120 compressions per minute over the middle of the person’s chest to help blood pump to the brain. After 30 chest compressions, tilt the head back and lift the chin. This helps open the airway. If you’re trained in CPR, make a seal over the person’s mouth and pinch their nose shut before giving them two rescue breaths.



2.Use RICE After an Injury
Remember RICE if you get hurt, like a knee or ankle sprain. It stands for:
Rest. Rest and protect the injured area.
Ice. Ice the area as soon as possible to help stop or lessen swelling and pain.
Compression. Wrap the area with an elastic bandage to help lessen swelling. But don’t wrap it too tightly. That can make things worse.
Elevation. Elevate the area at or above heart level with pillows when you lie or sit down. That will help the swelling go down.


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