Unexpected Factors That Increase Blood Pressure


1.The Bigger Picture
You’ve probably heard to watch the amount of salt you eat, especially if you’re concerned about your blood pressure. That’s because it makes your body hold on to water, putting extra stress on your heart and blood vessels. Salt — and worry, and anger — aren’t the only things that can raise your blood pressure. Although temporary «spikes» aren’t necessarily a problem, numbers that remain high over time can cause serious damage.



2.Added Sugar
It may be even more important than salt in raising your blood pressure, especially in a processed form like high-fructose corn syrup. People with more added sugars in their diet see a significant rise in both their upper and lower numbers. Just one 24-ounce soft drink causes an average 15-point bump in systolic pressure (the top number, or the pressure during a heartbeat) and 9 in diastolic (the bottom number, or the pressure between beats).