1.Eat Less
Just two problem foods — added sugars and saturated fats — count for about 700 of our daily calories. That’s almost half the calories an average woman should have in a day. U.S. dietary guidelines say we should limit solid and saturated fats and eliminate trans fat. Cut back on fast foods and refined grains, like white bread. While you’re at it, cut down on salt, too. Most of us get too much, raising our chances of high blood pressure and heart and kidney disease.



2.Eat More
Add more nutritious foods to your diet. Instead of fatty meats, choose lean protein and seafood. Shoot for at least 8 ounces of fish a week. Instead of solid fats like butter or margarine, use olive, canola, and other oils that are good for your waistline and heart. Instead of baked goods and cereals with all white or refined grains, make at least half of your grains whole grains. Other healthy choices: nonfat or low-fat dairy foods, eggs, beans, and lots of fruits and vegetables.


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