1.Muscle Cramp
If you work your calf muscle too much, you can get a sudden pain in your leg. A muscle cramp can also happen if you hold a position too long or haven’t had enough water to drink. Most cramps are harmless and improve if you massage yourself, do gentle stretching, and apply a warm towel or heating pad. If it doesn’t get better, call your doctor. Although rare, muscle cramps can be caused by other health issues, like compressed nerves.
2.Muscle Strain
Stretch too far or put too much pressure on your calf, and you can strain your muscle. If so, you’ll have a dull ache that worsens when you move. Swelling, redness, or a bruise are also common, and it may hurt to rise up on your toes. Rest and ice can help. When you sit, try to raise your calf higher than hip height. You’ll also need to be patient. A pulled muscle can take up to 6 weeks to completely heal.