Things That Hurt Your Feet


1.Exercising Too Much, Too Soon
Heads up, weekend warriors: Resist the urge to ramp up your workouts too quickly. You could end up with a stress fracture. These small cracks or bad bruises in foot bones are not only painful, but they’ll sideline you for a while. Stress fractures take 6 to 8 weeks to heal. You may even need crutches. Keep that in mind when your buddy begs you to join them for a half marathon over the weekend but the farthest you’ve run is a 5K.



2.Too Much Body Fat
Overweight and obese people tend to have more foot pain than those who have a healthy weight. The link seems obvious — more weight means more pressure on feet, right? The truth may not be so simple. Research suggests that more fat mass, rather than just more weight, is driving the pain. The theory is that fat tissue may cause inflammation and other problems that damage tissues in the foot.