1. Herman Harband
This gravestone of Herman Harband was eerily specific about his wife. He commissioned it before he died, and it was placed in Beth David Memorial Gardens when he died in Hollywood. The tombstone read: My wife Eleanor Arthur of Queens, NY lived like a princess for 20 years traveling the world with the best of everything. When I went blind, she tried to poison me, took all my money, all my medication and left me in the dark alone and sick. It’s a miracle I escaped. I won’t see her in heaven because she’s surely going to hell!
2. Marie Laveau
This final resting place of the New Orlean’s powerful voodoo priestess is a popular tourist destination for occultists. They leave all kinds of dark paraphernalia at the tomb and mark the tomb with black X’s. While alive, she’s said to have sold potions and charms for people wanting love and money.