1. The Deserted Cities Tourist Attractions of the World
As of March 2020, the coronavirus is sweeping the world, and international flights (along with tourism) have almost ceased completely. Countries are enforcing ever-tightening lockdown and curfews.
There is something creepy and alarming about seeing famous buildings like the Louvre Museum in Paris, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., and the Sistine Chapel in Rome, now empty and closed. Until recently so full of people, these places appear abandoned, but hopefully, it’s only for a little while.
2. Auschwitz’s Crematoria Number 3
The concentration camp in Auschwitz was abandoned by the Nazis in the closing months of World War Two. Its purpose had been to exterminate the Jewish people and those whom the Nazis saw as other “undesirables”. Death and cruelty were handed out on a scale unimaginable, killing over one million men, women, and children in just four years … at this one camp.
Today, among the remains of Auschwitz, is the ruins of crematoria number 3. This had consisted of a dressing room, a gas chamber disguised as a shower block, and a furnace room to dispose of the bodies afterward.
Those to be killed were led there in their thousands, having been told they were going to be showered and deloused, when in fact they were going to be gassed to death. And the even grimmer reality was this was just one of many extermination camps dotted around German-occupied Europe.