Celebrities With Depression


1.Kirsten Dunst
The 39-year-old actor has revealed that when she was in her 20s, she entered a rehab center for help with depression. Dunst says she struggled with the condition for years and realized she was bottling up a lot of anger. «All I’ll say is that medication is a great thing and can really help you come out of something,» she says. «I was afraid to take something and so I sat in it for too long. I would recommend getting help when you need it.»



2.Dwayne Johnson
He’s one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors, but “The Rock” recently opened up about depression to the Express, a British newspaper. “Struggle and pain is real,” said Johnson, who saved his mother from a suicide attempt when he was 15. “Depression never discriminates,” he tweeted later. “Took me a long time to realize it but the key is to not be afraid to open up. Especially us dudes have a tendency to keep it in. You’re not alone.”