1. Jumping Jacks
It’s a basic exercise to start with. It’s important to warm up and stretch before starting the regular exercise. Jumping jack gives flexibility and help you increase the stamina. Keep your feet together and stand tall and keeping hands straight at your sides. While jumping, raise your arms above your head and feet’s apart to the sides. Quickly reverse and come back to standing position with a jump. A one or two minute jumping jack exercises can loosen your muscles with more flow of oxygen into the bloodstream. Burn some calories, get flexible and toned body with some jumping jacks exercise daily. Modify jumping jack steps and have fun exercising.
2. Push-ups
It’s one of the most effective and common do-at-home exercise ever. It’s quite simple to do. Get into plank position. Keep hands under bit outside your shoulder, keep your leg stretched, lower your body until chest gets near to the floor and quickly come back to original position. It basically strengthens your upper body as it’s beneficial for chest, shoulders and triceps. It also strengthens yours thighs and abdominal muscles. In the beginning, it seems difficult to do more number of pushups. You can also start with knee pushups, inclined pushups in the beginning.