How much water should you drink in summer – and what happens if you drink too little?

Drink tap water steadily throughout the day. This way, your bladder is not strained and your body gets enough fluids. «Carrying a water bottle is usually pointless,» says the doctor. You can also drink juice if you don’t like the taste of water.

It’s hot and you’re sweating, should you drink more water now?








«Not if you’re already drinking enough for your size. But almost all of us could drink a few more glasses of tap water a day,» says Toni Vänni, a general practitioner at Terveystalo.


The need depends on the size of the person: for children, the right amount of fluid is between one and a half litres per day. An adult’s fluid requirement is around 2 to 3 litres. In the elderly, the fluid requirement is slightly higher because as we age, the body’s water volume decreases and dehydration occurs more easily.
Drink half of the recommended amount of fluid. For an adult, an adequate amount of water is 1-1.5 litres.