Best tips to stop nail biting

Many people suffer from the virtually unavoidable problem of nail biting or medically known as onychophagia.
From a very young age, people begin to suffer from this disorder, which can persist into adulthood. This tendency is usually caused by nerves, emotions, and even sometimes it is not caused by anything in particular, the subconscious mind orders this action unnoticed. Fortunately, it is possible to stop this mania or at least alleviate it for a while. Slowly and gradually, you can stop this obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Although it may seem like just a cosmetic problem, it can also cause a lot of physical trauma. The most common are: skin deformities, finger infections, tooth and gum problems, bacterial or fungal diseases of the nails, stomach (if the nails are swallowed) and respiratory tract (if the nail sucks or gets stuck) ). larynx).

Reflection and willpower
The first remedy begins with a thought that raises awareness of the problem. Diagnosing this disorder is the first step. Later, it is useful to analyses the moments when this action occurs most often, in order to know when to act.
Will is another key factor that can alleviate the problem through mental strength and stability. It also helps to be aware of possible complications such as bad appearance, injuries, dental problems … In short, analyzing and recognizing the fault can make it much easier if you stop biting your nails.