Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids

You’ve probably heard of this beneficial fatty acid as a miracle substance that works wonders for your brain and body. The amazing thing is that all the good news about it isn’t fake!
If you’re wondering what omega-3s like ALA, EPA, ETA and DHA do, you can learn about 15 of its most miraculous benefits right below!
But remember – your body doesn’t make omega-3s on its own, so to experience all these crazy health benefits, you’ll need to consume them in the form of fatty fish, algae, krill, and even supplements:
1. Reduce the signs of aging
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are types of omega-3s that play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Skin cell membranes depend on DHA for their structure and EPA for their hydration and appearance. If you head to the beach every time the sun shines, you should thank omega-3s for protecting your skin from producing natural substances that eat away at collagen.

2. Reducing the risk of certain cancers
There are a number of studies looking at the health benefits of omega-3. Over time, scientists have come to believe that high levels of omega-3 may have the potential to fight cancerous growths. Studies in China and Scotland found that increasing intake of DHA and EPA slowed and even reversed the development of prostate and breast cancer cells.