8 best foods to prevent osteoporosis

This is necessary, but excess calcium competes with calcium and prevents its proper deposition in the bones. In other words, dairy products are not only consumed but can be harmful。
However, calcium is not only in dairy products. A plant-based diet is ideal for osteoporosis. Plant sources of calcium are better absorbed than dairy products.
1. almonds
Nuts are rich in calcium, especially almonds. If we activate them by immersing them in water earlier, their nutrients are more utilized.
Take them once a day, if possible leave them soaked for 8-12 hours to activate them.

Like most sea vegetables, they are rich in vitamins and minerals and are ideal for hearty soups and broths. You can also cook beans and legumes together in a brine to make them more digestible.
Add a dry block about the size of two fingers to all cooked soups, grains and legumes.