While you can go with your doctor, massage therapist or chiropractor, did you know that you can also leave your wallet intact and help yourself?
There Is an endless workout you can do from the comfort of your home to alleviate back pain, and at the same time contribute to your overall health!
Now It’s time to start. Be careful when you do the numbers six and nine in front of your neighbors ‘ eyes if you don’t want to ride a show!
1. Hamstring stretching

Hamstring muscle stretching is one of the most beneficial exercises for back pain. What’S more, it’s an exercise you can do in many different ways. Whether you want to improve your thigh muscles or alleviate the pain of sciatica, try the stretches of the hamstring.
Sit on the edge of your chair, stretch one leg in front of you with your heel on the floor and push your stomach towards your thighs without moving your body. Hold for 30 seconds with each leg, repeating three times each.